Thursday, November 29, 2007


BOOGER!!! Brogan was my 5th puppy. I got him as a transfer when he was 10 months old, the day Garvey had to go back to GDB for medical evals. Brogan's parents were Wallace and Pride. Brogan was a PILL for the first 2 weeks I had him. Brogan and I had a hard time in the beginning...but one day 2 weeks after I got him, we fell in love. I adored him, and he thought I was the greatest thing ever! Brogan was one of those dogs who I would have loved to have been able to keep. Unfortunately, Brogan was career changed for medical reasons about 3 weeks after returning to campus. He now lives with a friend of mine, and is STILL affectionately known as "booger". Brogan loved children and despite his size (75 pounds) he was extremely gentle with them. He was beautiful as well!
Brogan taught me:
  • Once again, dogs can change
  • It's ok to be goofy and still be serious at the same time
  • The wonderful game of keep-away CAN be fixed
  • No matter how big you are, cuddling is always good!
  • You must be gentle with small children


Hobbes Dogs said...

Wow, he sounds like a smaller black version of my Baloo.

Lacey said...

Those are quite some lips!