1} How many puppies have you raised? Frisco is #10...I also raised Magician, Anya, Spence, Garvey, Brogan, Sonny, O'Connor, Carlisle, and Ontario
2} Why did you start raising? I went to GDB puppy meetings because I needed to learn how to train my beagle...I started raising after 1 1/2 years of meetings when I convinced my mom that we needed 2 dogs.
3} How Long have you been a puppy raiser? I started in 1999...so 9 years
4} What is one thing you have learned in raising? Consistency and praise are the KEYS to everything...Also, Dogs and Kids are so much different ;)
5} What have your puppies taught you? Magician taught me that Supervision is KEY to all good house behaviors...Anya taught me that some dogs are just perfect...Spence taught me about patience and perseverance...Garvey taught me about love...Brogan taught me about giving something/body your WHOLE heart...Sonny taught me about how important relationships with people are...O'Connor taught me about being the best you can be, no matter what others say...Carlisle taught me about the importance of tough love and respect...Ontario has taught me NOT to listen to others, but to do what you KNOW you should do...and Frisco will teach me many things while I have him as well.
6} What is the strangest thing someone has asked/said to you about your puppy? My favorite was when a second grader told me that "Ontario was made really well"
7} Do you give your puppies real name out in public? usually...but sometimes I make up names...just to be interesting...
8} What is the most embarrassing incident that you've had with your puppy? various potty stories...
9} What is the most proud moment you've had with your puppy? graduations of course...but also a few weeks ago when I realized that Ontario doesn't have some of the behaviors that people told me I couldn't fix because he's a GSD. Or when Carlisle stopped barking all the time...or when Brogan decided to come...or when I see my working guides walking down the street in their own environments and their partners have full confidence and trust in them...
10} What advice do you have for newbie puppy raisers/owners? Listen to your leaders...they know how to help you...stay humble and ALWAYS remember to be CONSISTANT and PRAISE your puppy constantly!
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