Saturday, December 13, 2008

sleeping arrangements

These are the sleeping arrangements at our house. Edie started out sleeping in the kennel, but would get too excited everytime Ontario or I moved in the middle of the night and would start wagging her tail and waking us up. So now...
Edie sleeps on the dog bed
and Ontario sleeps on my bed...
There is still a little room for me in the bed...see??? Actually, Ontario stays basically at the foot of my bed and will sleep on my legs/feet if he feels he needs to...most of the time, he stretches out though against the wall, and I just do my best not to fall off the bed in the middle of the night...whatever works!
Hmmm...I wonder who calls the shots at our house???


Lisa and pups said...

I can't wait till I have a dog that can sleep on the bed... :)

Emily and the Labradors said...

Cute! Just last night for some unknown reason I invited my dogs up on the bed... only Angel would get up but it was so fun having her to snuggle with all night! Not sure if this is going to be a regular thing or not... but at least I have a big bed!

Becky Andrews said...

So cute! Hope to meet Edie sometime soon.